
Knowledge transfer: The everlasting problem

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VALENCIA. "Knowledge transfer across the private sector is a big problem we have here in Spain" said Antonio Raga- full Professor of Zoology and head of the University of Valencia Science Park (PCUV)- at the Congress entitled University and Industrial Property. Present and future challenges.

The congress organised by the University of Valencia's GI+dPI group (R&D Intellectual and Industrial Property) and VLC Campus, explored the relationship there is between the university ambit (as a public entity) and technologically based companies (belonging to the private sector) in exploiting technology since "more than 70% of knowledge is still created at universities", according to Antonio Raga.

Carlos Vargas

The PCUV is a reference regarding the transfer of technology within the region of Valencia. It is a meeting point between academic research (public) and private companies. It was founded in 2008 and hosts nowadays 74 companies and only in 2012, 94 patents were issued. The PCUV is engaged in many areas, but it is deeply committed to biotechnology since the companies devoted to this area are "outstanding", claimed its director.

Full text available in Spanish


*Laura Garsando. Periodista (Valencia) 
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